Home Data Center Data Tools IPOP
The KY IPOP (Kentucky Inpatient and Outpatient) data collection is an online system that securely allows for submission, collection, and editing of Inpatient and Outpatient case level data from facilities, as required by statue and administrative regulation, to the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
KY IPOP data collection system is to include all acute Inpatient cases (not to include discharge cases from swing or hospice) and all Outpatient cases.
KY IPOP data collection system began collecting 2010 third calendar quarter (having a discharge date greater than or equal to July 1, 2010) for all required Inpatient and Outpatient cases.
If you have any questions about KY IPOP, please contact Melanie Landrum.
Post Office Box 436629
Louisville, Kentucky 40253-6629
2501 Nelson Miller Pkwy
Louisville, KY 40223
Phone: 502-426-6220
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