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Contributions are used to support legislators as we educate them on health care policy issues that impact Kentucky’s hospitals and the patients we serve in our communities. No contribution is too small and can be made by personal check or personal credit card.

Celebrating 2024's KHAPAC Contributors

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the KHAPAC this year.
You can join the list by participating in the 2024 campaign now!


Jim Musser
Lifepoint Health PAC

MILLENNIUM CIRCLE ($2,500 – $4,999)

Donovan Blackburn
Gerard Colman
Nancy Galvagni
HCA Good Government Fund
John Hamm
Carl Herde
Ashley Herrington
Clint Kaho
Donald Lloyd
Andrea Rich-McLerran
Mike Sherrod

CHAIR’S CIRCLE ($1,000-$2,499)

Matthew Ayers
Kenneth Boyd
Deborah Campbell
Nina Eisner
Hollie Harris
William Haugh
Pam Kirchem
Greg Kiser
Donna Little
Charles Lovell
April Smith
Kathy Stumbo
Michael Yungmann

CAPITOL CIRCLE ($500-$999)

Travis Burton
Robert Desotelle
Casey Franklin
Joe Horton
Lisa Hyman
Melanie Landrum
Dan McKay
Heather Napier
Kimberley Schwoeppe

INNER CIRCLE ($250-$499)

Allie Archer
Brian Bobrow
John Bradford, Jr.
Rosmond Dolen
Ginger Dreyer
Danita Hampton
Rocco R. Massey
Michael Mugler
Richard Hendershot
Matt McDonald
Mallie Napier-Noble
Maik Schutze
Shellie Shouse
Pamela Smith

SUPPORTERS ($1-$249)

Vonnie Adams
Bhopalwala Adnan, M.D.
Gail Arnold
Craig Beavers
Tracy B. Bills
Sherri Boyd
Kimberli Brian
Michele Bryant
Christopher Bush
Donna Carman
Shafrin Choudhury
David Collins
Ricky Collins, M.D.
Brenda Conn
Jessica Covington
Aaron Crum
Jaclyn Dabney
Emily Gaddie
Katherine Gish
Maria Hayden
Michelle Hagy
Patton Hart
Cathleen Hensley
Rebecca Higginbotham
Adam Isaacs
Kansas Justice
John Labreche
Kim Lindsey
Patricia Major
Gwen Marcum
J. Clint Martin
Shane McDougal, M.D.
Ramanarao Mettu, M.D.
Robert Mims
Roxie Montgomery
Amy Odom
Carol Perlow
Lori Pierce
Michelle Rainey
Chris Sale
Mary Simpson
Michael Slusher
Kurt Sowers, M.D.
Katie Swafford
Vicki Thompson
Chris Walls
Brent Wates
Steve Weaver
Tammy Wells
Hallie Wilson
Ellen Wright
Sandra Zaranti