Call for Presentation Proposals

KHA has a number of opportunities to get involved with hospital members by presenting educational content at a premier event or webinar.

Photo of attendees at an event

KHA Annual Convention

May 19-21, 2025

The KHA 96th Annual Convention is the premier event for health care leaders in Kentucky. Designed to provide innovative educational content, this event attracts more than 500 health care leaders from across the state.
Deadline to be considered: October 31, 2024

Photo of online meeting

Town Hall Webinars

Ongoing weekly

These hour-long Town Halls take place weekly on Tuesdays at 3:00 pm. Once a presentation is chosen, KHA will collaborate to determine an available date and market the webinar to your desired target audience among Kentucky’s top health care professionals.

Selection Process

Submissions will be reviewed by KHA. Chosen content will be determined by the following criteria:

  • Relation to hospital educational needs
  •  Credentials of speaker
    • Platform skills
    • Demonstrated command of subject
  • Completion of submission form
Claire Arant


Claire Riley
Director, Strategy & Program Development
Kentucky Hospital Association