KHA Town Hall Discusses Sexual Assault Response


On November 14, Deb Campbell, KHA Vice President of Clinical Strategy and Transformation, hosted a KHA Town Hall to discuss the Current State of Sexual Assault Response and the SANE Readiness Program.

Attendees heard about the current state of Kentucky hospitals’ engagement with the regulation/statute, actual performance, education, care, and support for patients who have experienced a sexual assault. Campbell shared there continues to be significant gaps as well as centers of excellence. With the goal of statewide improvement, Serenda LoBue, Collaboration Specialist, and Jenna Cassady, Staff Attorney, from the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs (KASAP), provided more information about the KASAP website and the many resources available and encouraged hospitals to reach out to receive help with barriers as needed.

Campbell and LoBue shared the poster available to display in emergency departments and offered to send one to any hospital that does not currently have one. Campbell also announced the website will be updated soon. She also shared KHA is pursuing a possible opportunity for financial assistance for those interested in becoming a SANE Ready facility.

Thank you to all who attended. It is imperative to provide the same exceptional care to this vulnerable population that is provided to all other patients! Please contact Deb ( for posters, more information and assistance.

KHA members can view the recording and presentation on the Town Hall page of the KHA website.

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