Primary Election Day will be Tuesday, May 21 during the KHA 95th Annual Convention. There are several key primary elections taking place throughout the state that day; therefore, KHA encourages all attendees to make plans to vote early or request a mail-in ballot. You can find more details and further instruction, here.
The deadline to apply online for an Absentee ballot is May 7. If you wish to vote by mail, please request your ballot today.
If you have questions about where candidates seeking the offices State Representative or State Senator stand on issues important to health care, please contact Travis Burton (tburton@kyha.com) or Jim Musser (jmusser@kyha.com).
While you are making your voting plans, make sure you are registered for the KHA Convention. Connect with health care leaders, attend inspirational and educational sessions, earn continuing education credits, and celebrate 95 years of KHA’s service to hospitals and health systems in the Commonwealth.