ASPR Medical Response Surge Exercise TTX: West KY HCC Region

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ASPR Medical Response Surge Exercise TTX: West KY HCC Region
March 19, 2024
WKYHCC Medical Response Surge Exercise – KY Healthcare Coalitions (
The basis of this exercise will focus on multiple mass casualty events occurring simultaneously throughout the region. The goal of the exercise will be to “SURGE” our 16 regional hospitals with 20% of their daily patients. For west Kentucky, that will be around 255 patients. These will not be real live patients. These will be patient cards that include a few demographics and injuries sustained. The “PLAY” will start with a ReadyOp Alert, it is then up to each facility/ organization to decide how they will respond.
Hospitals will decide on if they are activating their facility incident command. They will “receive” patients using ReadyOp Patient Tracking, and either admitting and treating, or “transporting” to another facility. Does your facility know how HICS works? Use this as a chance to train new staff who have never worked a large-scale event.
This is an adaptable exercise. There will be multiple opportunities to learn more about how to participate in a series of informational meetings leading up to the MRSE. These dates include Feb. 19, Feb. 26, March 4, March 11, and March 18.