Building a Safe Workplace and Community: Violence Mitigation in a Culture of Safety
This issue brief examines how hospitals’ violence mitigation efforts can fit effectively into an organization’s culture of safety strategy. The brief includes thought provoking questions to facilitate discussion of how violence mitigation…
Hazardous Drug Exposures in Healthcare
Up-to-date information and resources on Hazardous Drug Exposures in Healthcare. (CDC)
Risk Factors for Stress and Burnout
Healthcare workers face challenging working conditions and high stress levels that can lead to poor mental and physical health.
The Effectiveness of Visitor Management in Hospitals
This report offers a snapshot of the visitation policies and visitor management approaches of participating IAHSS members’ institutions sampled in September and October, 2018. In total, 135 facilities were included…
Design Considerations for a Safer Emergency Department
Both high‐cost major renovations and lower‐cost applications can be used to elevate security in any emergency department. (American College of Emergency Physicians)
Getting Back to Work After a Workplace Violence Event
Recovering from a violent incident or disaster in the workplace can take months, but having a plan and sources of help prior to the event can make the process smoother….
SHRM Civility Index
Just how much is incivility affecting your organization? New SHRM research highlights the urgent need for workplace civility, with U.S. workers facing millions of acts of incivility per day. Note:…
Hospitals & Healthcare Facilities: Security Awareness for Soft Targets and Crowded Places
Emergency Medical Services Clinician Injury Data: An Overview
NIOSH uses the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System occupational supplement (NEISS-Work) to estimate nonfatal, emergency department treated injuries to EMS clinicians.